Program Dates & Times

Tues           6:00 pm
Sat             1:00 pm

Contact Information

Pray in Jesus Name Ministries
P.O. Box 77077
Colorado Springs, CO 80970


PIJN News is daily news magazine and current events program. Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt interviews newsmakers and subject experts on current topics affecting faith and family values.

Dr. Chaps is a former Navy Chaplain who made national news in 2006 when he was vindicated by Congress after demanding to be allowed to “pray publicly in Jesus’ name”.

By sacrificing his 16-year Naval officer career and a million-dollar pension, Dr. Chaps has inspired millions of petitions to Congress and mobilized countless people through The Pray In Jesus’ Name Project to support pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-freedom causes.

PIJN News reports the news, discerns the spirit and Prays In Jesus’ Name after each story.